Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Remembrance by Rae Child

During this holiday season Rae has created this beautiful peace of art work called Christmas Remembrance. Along with it she has a short message she wishes to share to go along with this colored pencil drawing. 
The focus of this picture is on Mary and Baby Jesus to help us remember the true meaning of this joyous holiday. It also reminds us of the joys of motherhood and the important roll mothers have in the world.
The staff shown leaning in the back ground reminds us that Joseph is close by watching over mother and baby. This also reminds us that often times fathers may be off working and supporting their families; however, they are always near keeping a watchful and protective eye over the ones they love.
The young sheep reminds us of the ignorance of  all of us in this world and how we need Jesus Christ our Shepherd and Savior to guide us home safely. 
And finally the starlight shining through the window represents God watching over the scene pleased at what he sees. It reminds us that God is watching over us all and that he sent our Savior Jesus Christ down to earth to save us all from our sins, which of course is the most important message of all.

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