
     Its my hope and desire that our blog is clearly written and user friendly for you our guests. However if anyone has any other questions that may not have been covered, or you have any questions about the art shown. As well as any comments you wish to share with us in a more personal manner. Please do not hesitate to email SunSwanArt at You can also use our contacts form at the upper right of this page, (you will only see this in web version.) We will be sure to get back with you as soon as possible. 
      More posts: For anyone who may not know. If you wish to see all our posts be sure to check older posts by taping or clicking the blog archive on the right side of the Blogger page.
      Following us: If you want to follow our blog there is a follow button on the right side of the blog. (Web version only.)  Note that it requires a google account. If this is a problem there is still the option to follow us by email at the bottom of the Blog.
    Facebook: Still want another way to follow us Then check out our Facebook page at You can find a link to our page at the top of the blog; (Again web version), Just click or tape on the words, "like us on Facebook." 
    Pinterest: We now have a Pinterest page you can follow us on Pinterest at You can also find a link to this page at the top of our main page. (Again web version)
     Where are the link and gadgets: I realize that the links and gadgets I am always referring to do not show up in the mobile version. You most switch to the web version to see them. So if anyone is looking for those references and can't find them that's why. Sorry for any confusion that may have caused this is Blogger's design not mine.