About us

     SunSwanArts is a family owned and operated gallery. We are proud to represent the artwork of Rae Child. It is SunSwanArts goal to create and put out beautiful and creative works of art. If you are like us and you are looking at a lot of the art currently being sold in the world today and asking yourselves why and how they can even call paintings of geometric forms and blobs and smears of paint artwork, then you have come to the right place. We are looking to bring the world back to a higher level of thinking and understanding of the beauty of the world as it is. We should not try to change the already beautiful world with our own narrow mind sets with limitations and interpretations that may well be stifling true creativity. We want everyone to look inside their hearts and minds and understand that some of these artistic interpretations of the world may not be either logical or viable. Wisdom would teach us to look to the past and not forget or take for granite the things learned and understood from the past and what beauty truly may be.
About Rae Child
Rae Child is a very talented artist who can work in many different mediums including, acrylic and water color paintings, charcoal and pastel drawings, pen and ink pictures and pencil sketches. Rae likes to create a variety of topics including but not limited to, animals, scenery, fantasy pictures and so much more. Over time we will be posting pictures of all these different topics. 
Rae Child graduated from her local high school after winning 3rd place in a high school art contest. In that same year she also entered in the Utah State Fair art show and won a scholarship to Utah Technical Institute in Salt Lake City. There she majored in commercial art. After collage she worked on many different art projects, drew furniture adds for a local furniture store in Utah, on occasions she made signs for local businesses. Did volunteer work such as painting sets for a road show for her local church and even won 1st place for the scenery that was painted both years that she did this. While raising her 3 boys she taught art lessons to children in her neighborhood.
She continued to paint and sell paintings to people who commissioned work from her. As well as sold some work in a store in Fairbanks Alaska during the 7 years she lived there. Later moved back to Utah where she is currently located. And now we are here to offer her painting for sale as prints so that she can reach a larger audience and give you a opportunity to own one for yourself.  

     Anthony Hinds is an artist in training by Rae herself and also business manager of SunSwanArts and author of this blog. In time he will be creating works of his very own which will also be featured here.

     Rae and Anthony hope you enjoy the work you see at SunSwanArts. We also hope you will visit us often as we work hard to bring you all the latest creations from Rae Child and Anthony.
       I'm sure some people are wondering when new projects will be posted. There really isn't a way we can give you a set date for when a project will be finished. All our artwork is newly created Some projects take longer then others which may explain the gaps in posting during certain times. We will try to post and let you know of any delays but we ask that you bare with us and don't give up on us. We strive to bring out new work as often as we can. However great work can not be rushed, you may find they're worth the wait in the end. If you want a way to know when we post something new then be sure to follow us so you don't miss out on anything new. To see all the ways you can follow us see our Questions page.

     We are proud to inform you that all our artwork and the prints we sale are made in the USA. That means we strive to produce high quality products that you will be proud to hang on your wall for years to come. We hope you enjoy the artwork we have provided. Most of all thank you for visiting use and please tell your friends about us.

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